7-6-2. License required / insufficient permissions

7-6-2. License required / insufficient permissions


License required / insufficient permissions


The SkyVisualEditor package installed in your Salesforce organization has an expiration date.

Setup -> App Setup -> Installed Packages -> SkyVisualEditor [Expiration Date]

If you have exceeded your trial term or if your contract term has not been renewed, you will see a page like the below upon attempting to access pages created with SkyVisualEditor. (As of 2012/08/07):

"The Apex Class … is part of the AppExchange Package SkyVisualEditor, and requires a license to use"
"Insufficient Privileges"

Which of the above messages appears depends on the user settings, the page attempting to be accessed and the number of times that page has attempted to be accessed. If you see one of the above messages please verify that your license has not expired.


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