3-2-1. Header / Menu

Following menus are available in the header.





Make a new page.


Open a saved page.


Save the current page

Save As…

Save a copy of the current page with a different name

Open HistoryOpen version history for the saved pages.
Save page and versionSave the page and its version simultaneously.


Generate a Visualforce page and Apex class for your page
and make the Visualforce page available in your connected Salesforce organization.

Batch Deploy

Generate a Visualforce page and Apex class for each page
and make the Visualforce pages available in your connected Salesforce organization.

Batch delete pages and classes

Batch delete Visualforce pages / Apex classes deployed to your
Salesforce organization

Load Page Layout

Import a selected Salesforce page to the design page.

Import Visualforce pageImport Visualforce page into SkyVisualEditor’s studio screen.

Load Local File

Load a XML file from local to SkyVisualEditor.

Save Local File

Output a XML file from SkyVisualEditor to save it in local.

Save Local File Periodically Periodically outputs an XML file of the page currently being edited.

AppComponent Details

Displays information about AppComponents displayed in the Studio menu.


Logout of SkyVisualEditor

Third Party

CBIO Linkage File Import

Imports an XML data produced by Canon imageWARE Form Manager Editor,
to automatically produce a Salesforce layout page.


Back to wizard

Back to wizard
(※only for pages created using a template)

Show wizard properties

Show wizard properties when creating wizard pages
(※only for wizard pages created using a template)

ToolConnectionConnect to Salesforce (can be used to switch organizations)
ReloadReload the latest object information from Salesforce

Automatically convert all fields on the layout from Text[Input] to the read-only Text[Output].
Field Before convert    Field after convert
Text[Input]        >   Text[Output]
Not that the conversion only makes fields become read-only and it is not possible to undo this operation.

After a conversion if you would like to make the fields Text[Input] again,

please drag and drop the fields onto the layout again.

Form LinkGenerate query information (XML format) for import into Canon's imageWARE Form Manager Editor
HelpHelpShow SkyVisualEditor's online help (this document)
VersionShow SkyVisualEditor's version information
Deploy Notification

Show the number of unread deploy results.

Click the Icon to show the deploy history dialogue and then the list of history will display in the Studio.

Please note that the list is not the entire records of deployed pages. It only shows the history of deploys that were conducted from the user's computer.

Now DeployingShows the list of pages that are in state of deploying
 StatusShows hourglass icon
Visualforce Page NameShows Visualforce Page name
DescriptionShows Visualforce Page description
Local TimeShows the start time of deploy (local time of the computer)
Deploy HistoryShows the Deploy history in the Studio

Shows the Deploy result
◯: Deploy success
✕: Deploy error

Visualforce Page NameShows Visualforce Page name. The unread pages will be in bold font.
DescriptionShows Visualforce Page description. The unread pages will be in bold font.
DetailShows Deploy Complete dialogue after a successful deploy. Shows Deploy Result dialogue at deploy error.
Local TimeShows deploy start time and end time (both timestamps will be collected from the local time of the computer)
LoginUserShow current logged in user.