(4)-b. Properties


Property name


Common Property




Component ID as defined by SkyVisualEditor





Title text of page block section




















HTML Escape

Process HTML contained as plain text when checked and as HTML when unchecked.


Columns in section.
Select between 1 and 30 columns.

Show Header

Display the title text or not.
When using a section switcher, the header must be on.


Section is collapsible or not.
If on, the Collapsible icon(▽) is shown to the left side of the title. Click to collapse / restore the section.
※This is active only when the mode property of the page block is 【Detail】.

Color setting

Select to overwrite the default background and font colors.

Font color

Choose the header font color either from the selector or by direct input of hexadecimal.

Background color

Choose the background color either from the selector or by direct input of hexadecimal.


Width of component


Height of component


Horizontal position on the screen


Vertical position on the screen

Switch Display

Set section switcher to be ON/OFF

Default Check Value

Sets the default value of the check box field driving the switcher.

Types of Border frame

Set the panel grid cell from below:
-Not specified
-Solid line
-Double line
-Dotted line
-Dashed line

Width of Border frame

Set the frame width of page block section
*Available only when "not specified" is selected for the Types of Border Frame.

Color of Border

Set the frame color of page block section
*Available only when "not specified" is selected for the Types of Border Frame.

Curve size

Set the frame curve size.
The corner sized is measured by diameter width (in pixel) in vertical and horizontal of a circle located in corners.

*Available only when "not specified" is selected for the type of border frame.

Tab Index



Tab index

Select cursor move order when pressing tab key