(1)-h. Batch deploy

Deploy several pages created with SkyVisualEditor to your Salesforce organization with one action.

Click the Batch Deploy menu entry to bring up a dialog like the below.




Visualforce page list

The Visualforce pages matching the criteria of any filter applied are shown in a list.
Click on any of the column headers to sort the list by that attribute.







Check box

Select pages to deploy

Page list

Show pages made with SkyVisualEditor Studio

Page Update Date

Show last modified date for each page.

Visualforce list

Show all Visualforce pages of the connected Salesforce organization.

Visualforce Update Date

Show last modified date for each Visualforce page.

Deploy Result

After running the batch deploy the result is shown for each page. (Completed/Fail)

Test type

For detail, refer to (1)-g. Deploy.




Check on

If the deployment of any select pages fails or there are any warnings, all pages are returned to their state from before the deployment.

Check off

Even if a selected page's deployment fails or there is a warning, pages which succeed will remain deployed and updated.
The bulk deploy will stop after a failure and any pages below yet to be deployed will remain unchanged.
This functionality is only available for partial test deployments. This function is for partial test only.

Batch Deploy button

Batch deploys the selected pages.

Cancel button

Closes the deploy screen without deploying.

※Click a Column header to sort the list information by that column attribute.