(1)-b. URL parameter setting

(1)-b. URL parameter setting

URL Parameter setting feature will assign URL parameter to the fields in the page at page transition. This feature is available for the following layouts:  

  • Salesforce Layout
  • Free Layout
  • [Template] Relational Object Entry
  • [Template] Page Assignment
  • [Template] Wizard
  • [Template] Search Screen





[Other than Search Template]

Item name

Setting detail


Add one parameter


Delete one parameter

Field name

Set a parameter value from master object field list

Parameter key

Set the parameter key for the field selected in [Field name]


Copies the URL with parameter to call this screen (Same as Ctrl + c)

[Example of specifying URL parameter on transition original screen]
Example of a custom button placed on an Account page created with SkyVisualEditor.

'/apex/OpportunityPage?AccountId={!record.Id}&Name=Opportunity of {!record.Name}&Type=Add Licenses'

[ Search Screen ]

Item name

Setting detail


Add one parameter


Delete one parameter

Field Name

Select the fields with parameter value from Search Condition Specified Field or Search Condition Area Field.

[Search Template]

  • Able to use the same field if used in multiple location or in a block.
  • Able to place the same field for Area Specified Field and Value Specified Field within the same block.

Parameter key

Set the parameter key for the field selected in [Field name]


Copies the URL with parameter to call this screen (Same as Ctrl + c)

[Search Template]
There are URL parameter key for Search Condition field since there are Operators, Select Area, and Unset Date Value.

Item nameParameter keyMemo

The following symbols can be used as operators.

eqMatch the following strings
neDoes not match the following strings
coInclude the following strings
ncDoes not include the following strings
swBegins with the following string
incInclude the following value
exDoes not include the following value
inxInclude the following value (IN)
ninDoes not include the following value (NOT IN)

Specified Area

Unset Date Valuexxx_isNull 

*The URL parameter setting will be deleted automatically for templates which the Search Condition Filed (with URL Parameter settings) is deleted or the block itself is deleted.

Example of specifying URL parameter on transition original screen]
When using the following search condition items as the initial setting at the time of screen display

  • As "condition type" "Type"
  • "NumberOfEmployees" as range designation item



  • The Parameter for checkbox field must be in '0 / 1'  and not "true / false".

  • The Parameter value for fields using time-stamps will be set in the format of the page viewer's locale.
  • "HH: mm: ss.SSS" or "HH: mm: ss" for the Time Field format used for the URL parameter.

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