(1)-b. Open

Open a saved page.

To open a previously created page, click the "Open" button, to bring up the list of existing pages.



Search filter

Type in the input field to partially matching search for the component names and the comments. 


All the previously created components
Sort the components on clicking each column on the header

Component Name

All the component names
The components are previously created components by the login user. 


The comments of components

The comments of components shows on SkyVisualEditor LC. The comments do not show on Salesforce that is connected to Studio. 

Last modified Date

The date that component is modified last time

Created DateThe date that component is created on
Histories"✔" will be displayed if the component has historical information.

Delete button

Delete the components that is selected. Deleted components will not be able to be recovered.

OK buttonComponent will show on Design Canvas on clicking. 
Components can also show with double clicking Components list 

Histories button

Displays the history of the selected component.

For details, see < (1)-d. Open Version history >

Cancel button

Close Components page