0.Revision History




The following functions have been added to the Flexible data table

 - Inline edit

   - Default layout

 - Create and apply configuration records

Add Custom toggle button

The following functions have been added to the Flexible data table

 - 6-1-10. Inline Edit

    - Default Layout

 - 6-2-5. Creating and applying Setting records(Setup SkyVisualEditor FlexibleDataTable)

Add Custom toggle button

 (12) Custom Toggle Button


The following functions have been added to the flexible data table
 Use of flexible data tables in search results
 Excel output
 Operator filter
 Value display of reference system items by Name
 Display of records of related objects

・Use of FlexibleDataTable in search results]

  4-2-3. Search Criteria Configuration

 (2) Search form Setting
・Excel output

 6-1-8. Excel output of records
・Operator filter

 6-1-6. Column sorting and filtering

・Display of records of related objects

 6-2-4. Flexible data tables placed & configured on Salesforce organisation


6. FlexibleDataTable

V17.2.0Improved authentication handling of Slack components.

5. Slack Components


Additional Slack component functionality.

 Submit record information

 Submit citation

5. Slack Components

V16.1.0Slack component5. Slack Components

Data Table Additional features

 CSV Output History


(4)-b-1. Data Table

(4)-c-5. About CSV Output History Creation

Tab Panel(2) Tab Panel
 (2)-a. Overview
 (2)-b. Property
 Attachment Upload

(10) Attachment Upload

 (10)-a. Overview
 (10)-b. Property

Attachment Preview

(11) Attachment Preview

 (11)-a. Overview
 (11)-b. Property

V15.0.1Panel Grid

(3) Panel Grid

(3)-a. Overview

(3)-b. Property

(3)-b-1. Property_Panel Grid

(3)-b-2. Property_Panel Grid Cell

(3)-b-3. Style

Filed Label Features

(5)-a. Standard Property 

(5)-b. Checkbox Property

(5)-c. Text Property

(5)-d. Picklist Property

(5)-e. Multi-Select Picklist Property

Datatable Prefix / Suffix(4)-b-2. Table Column
Datatable inline Edit : Picklist(4)-c-1. Editable fields and notes
V14.0.0Add Custom Button in data table(4)-a. Placement
Data Table CSV Export & Paste Insert(4)-b-1. Data Table
Search form4-2. Create Search form
Version history management

(1)-b. Open

(1)-d. Open Version history

(1)-e. Save page and version

V13.2.0Save Local File & Load Local File(1)-g. Load Local File
(1)-h. Save Local File
(1)-i. Batch save Local Files
Table Condition Setting(1) Table Condition Setting
(1)-a. DateTime Selection
(1)-b. Conditional Item Data Type
V13.1.0Toggle Button settings(5)-g. Toggle Button settings
V13.0.0Data Table available (4) Data Table
Language switch for the labels (Save, Cancel)

(5)-b. Properties

(6)-b. Properties

Edit dialog for the free text field 

(9)-a. Overview

(9)-b. Property

(7)-b-1. Text edit 

V12.2.0Builder Settings

(2) Builder Settings

(2)-a. Builder Display Settings

V12.1.0Custom Buttons 

(7) Custom Buttons

(3)-c. Custom Attributes

(3)-d. Apex Controller

V12.0.0Releasing Studio for LC 

For more details, please refer to  Changes in SkyVisualEditor V12.0