(6)-b-1. PanelGrid


Property name


Common Property


Component ID as defined by SkyVisualEditor


Adjust page

Set the width of the PanelGrid to match that of the page.
If this option is checked, you will not be able to set individual cell widths.


Set horizontal position on the screen


Set vertical position on the screen



Number of columns in the PanelGrid. Between 1 and 20.


Number of rows in the PanelGrid. Between 1 and 50.


Set padding space of the cells in pixels.


Set padding space between cells in pixels.


Select type of PanelGrid border line (outside border).

Border Collapse

Select whether to keep interior GridPanels outer border separate
or merged with a containing GridPanel border.
Default: merge and display

Border Width

Set the width of the PanelGrid border line (outer line).

Border color

Set the color of the PanelGrid border line (outer line).

Advanced settings

Display Settings

PageBlock's display setting (Show/Hide) can be controlled dynamically.
Click the button to show Display Setting screen.
Please refer to < (2)-b-1. Display Settings > for more information.

Dependency Page Block Section

Displays the component ID of the page block section from which the linkage has been set.

If the Page Block Section "Dependency Panel Grid" property is set to a dependency, this property is automatically set.

Tab index

Tab index

Select cursor move order by pressing tab key


Style Class

Set Style Sheet. Click the to show Style Class Editor.
Please refer to < (9)-c. Style Class > for more information.