(39)-a. Overview




Signature Stamp

You can place a component that can display a stamp image on the page.
It can be placed in Salesforce layout or free layout.

It can be placed directly under the display area, on a page block, or on a panel grid.
The impression is saved as an image and can be displayed in the reference screen or PDF screen.

The flow of using the Signature Stamp is as follows

1.Placing a Signature Stamp on the canvas

 Drag and drop the Signature Stamp onto the display area with the mouse to place it.

2.Select Signature Stamp Type

 Select the Signature Stamp Type from the "Stamp item settings" page property.

Signature Stamp Type

Stamp format


Get stamp info from Salesforce approval process


By linking to the Salesforce approval process of the target object record, the seal image will be automatically generated from the approver name of the approved step when the target page is displayed.

Since the seal is automatically stamped (seal image is saved), the seal image will be displayed just by opening the PDF screen.

Get stamp info from Salesforce login user


(Admit Button)

The "Admit" button is displayed under the stamp item on the page. When the "Admit" button is clicked on the target page, a stamp image is automatically generated from the login user name.

When the "Admit" button is clicked on the target page, a stamp image is automatically generated from the login user name.

3.Customize Signature Stamp from properties

 Specify the color, shape, letter order, etc. of the seal impression from the properties.

 Please refer to < (39)-b. Property >.

4.Deploy the page and use Signature Stamp.

※The saved seal image will be saved as an image (png format) in the main object Memo & Attachment.

 In addition, the image file name will be the ID name of the stamp item.